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How to Cook Fried Rice

        Hello pals, welcome to another cooking tutorial. in this tutorial, you will learn how to cook fried rice all by yourself so sit up tight and prepare to cook.
         Fried rice is a dish of cooked rice that has been stir-fried in a wok or a frying pan and is usually mixed with other ingredients such as eggs, vegetables, seafood, and meat. It is often eaten by itself or as an accompaniment to another dish.

  • Rice
  • Carrot
  • Green beans
  • Thyme
  • 1 medium sized onions
  • Curry
  • Nutmeg
  • Vegetable oil
  • Seasoning of your choice
  • Salt
  • Butter
  • Beef
  • Water
Cut and wash the beef very well. Put in a pot with your salt, curry, thyme, water, onion, seasoning and green beans.
    Place it on fire and cover it till it becomes soft. Parboil the rice in a separate pot and sieve the water. Remove the meat from the first pot leaving only the water and the ingredients. Pour the parboiled rice into the beef water and boil it till it is almost done (quarter done). Slice the green pepper and carrot and fry it into a separate hot oil mixed with butter. Add beef and a little salt then cook for a few minutes until it dries. Now it is ready to eat. Don't forget to call me when you are done 😊. Good luck and see you later

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